Nellie B’s Parties

Counties: West Yorkshire

Towns: Barnsley, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield

Educational / Creative , Entertainers , Princess / Pamper

We host your kids’ party from start to finish and get involved with the planning, to allow us to create a bespoke party based on your child’s interests.

Parties are usually for up to 30 children but we also "party" at public events. Our services include games, a mini-disco, a snow and smoke machine, a personalised selfie board and much more. Parties can be adapted to suit the age and gender.

For example - non-elimination games for younger children. Packages can include add-ons like additional Characters, Disney princesses, face painting etc.

Basic package for 5-11 year olds:
- A discovery call to create a bespoke party package
- Bespoke party plan
- 2 hours of hassle free party hosting for up to 30 children
- High-energy, themed games/team games/wacky races
- Mini disco
- Prizes, Pass the Parcel and present for child
- Selfie board and props
