We’re starting 2022 with a bang at Kids Party Finder! We are pleased to announce our first webinar that will be taking place in on Wednesday 19 January at 8pm.


Our webinars over recent months have covered topics such as how to create content your audience will love and influencer marketing.


This month we will be looking at how you identify your ideal customer and then how you tailor your marketing to them.


We are delighted to welcome as a guest speak this month Emma Smith of Los Social, a digital marketing and social media company designed to offer a personal service to small businesses. Those of you who attended our first ever face to face networking event in November will remember Emma spoke that morning, too.


Emma has over 19 years experience in the advertising industry across TV, radio, print, digital and social media, so she is well placed to help us all in how we can be more efficient in our marketing.



This event is FREE to businesses listed with Kids Party Finder and will be hosted on our exclusive Suppliers Network Group on Facebook. You can also view all the other webinars we have hosted in this group any time you like.


Once Emma has finished she will be able to answer any questions you may have, so be sure to send your questions on the chat feature during the webinar to ensure you get the most out of the event.


If your business is listed with Kids Party Finder but you are not a member of our Suppliers Network Group yet, you can request to join by clicking here.


See you there!


Charlie, James and the Kids Party Finder Team x