Thanks to everyone who joined us on our first ever webinar last month! We were really pleased with how it went and the feedback we received.


With this in mind, we are excited to announce that our second webinar will be held on Thurs 10 September at 8pm. We will once again be joined by the excellent Kelly Da Silva Fernandes. As well as making amazing cakes at Kelly’s Kitchen Kelly is a marketing whizz, with over 14 years experience working for London based agencies on behalf of major brands.


In our last webinar which looked at your marketing strategy as a whole, a lot of the discussion came back round to how best to use Facebook. So this is what we will be focusing on this month, exploring the tools that Facebook has available for you to use and how you can make the best use of them. We expect the session to last around 40 minutes, this includes allowing us to answer any questions you may have at the end of the session. You can either pre-submit questions to us or you will be able to ask these on the night via the chat feature.


This event is FREE to Kids Party Finder subscribers and will be hosted on our exclusive Suppliers Network Group on Facebook!


If your business is listed with Kids Party Finder and you are not a member of our Suppliers Network Group yet, you can request to join by clicking here.


We look forward to seeing you (well… virtually, anyway!) on the night!


James, Charlie and the Kids Party Finder Team.