Living Things

Counties: Essex, Greater London, Kent

Towns: Brentwood, Chelmsford, London

Animals , Educational / Creative , Entertainers

Join in on the fun and get ready to go on an adventure and experience Living Things wildlife show at your event!

Our handlers are so passionate about our animals.
We can’t wait to show and teach you all about them!

Get up close and personal and learn about all things wild

Prepared to be amazed as you’ll
See Meerkats stand up on guard
Sugar Gliders gliding
And watch Lizards catch and eat their prey
And much much more!

Our presenters love to talk about our amazing animals that we have rehomed and rescued and we can’t wait to tell stories all about their backgrounds and how incredible they truly are.
Living Things will show you and your audience how each animal with their unique ways, how they have adapted to live in the wild

We love to teach good values whilst gaining respect and a good understanding for all living things.

Our unique wildlife show and Petting experience is not only entertaining we provide a highly educational presentation whilst having fun!

Living Things really are our thing!

Give us a call today to Book your very own Living Things Wildlife experience on 0800 1123 124!
